Next-Generation Transportation Solutions Powering the Smart City


Reinventing parking and vehicle access control with AI to be touchless, frictionless, & seamless

Our unique Smart City NVIDIA powered development capabilities equip your business with diverse and innovative enterprise hardware and cloud-based software offerings. Whether your’re new to the smart city world or have been innovating for years, our a-la-carte solutions meet and exceed industry standards. From on-street to off-street options, to seamless user experiences, we simplify and improve vehicle management and parking for our clients— now and into the future.

Our Founder on The News Forum Showcasing Canadian Innovators


At the heart of Locomobi World's AI Portal lies the power of artificial intelligence (AI). By harnessing NVIDIA capabilities, the portal analyzes and processes vast amounts of data in real time, enabling intelligent decision-making and optimization of mobility networks. This not only facilitates efficient traffic management but also enables predictive analytics and proactive measures to address potential congestion and bottlenecks.





Simplify and discover revenue opportunities

Provide citizens with a hassle-free commuting experience

Integrate, automate, and enforce security acces

Industries We Serve

LocoMobi is proud to be one of the top AI powered Smart City technology companies. Our AI & Cloud-based software and enterprise hardware solutions track vehicles and people through the transportation network to allow businesses to have frictionless and seamless operations across sectors.

  • Commercial Buildings

    We apply our commercial parking management solutions of all types and sizes, using cutting-edge technology and the best management solutions to improve efficiency and traffic flow for our clients.

  • Condominiums

    Automated condo parking management optimizes your operations, makes your customers happier, and makes your management tasks more efficient.

  • Municipalities

    Our market-leading municipal parking solutions are available for all sizes of municipalities, from small to large. With the introduction of congestion pricing , variable rates and automated enforcement, LocoMobi WorldStream is the perfect solution for the future of cities.

  • Construction & Development

    Developers can offer the most efficient technology to new tenants while improving revenue, decreasing costs, and streamlining operations.

  • Mixed-Use Multi-Dwelling Parking

    Multi-use, multi-dwelling parking solutions can be a valuable tool for optimizing the use of limited parking spaces in urban areas while also promoting the use of alternative modes of transportation and reducing the overall number of cars on the road.

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